Man is responsibility. Ethical sensitivity versus responsibility in the context of Covid-19 pandemic.


  • Anna Kamińska-Malandain


Responsibility, ethical sensitivity, listlessness, ethics, Covid-19 pandemic


The article addresses the problem of existential and social necessity of ethical sensitivity and responsibility in the case of a global tragedy such as Covid-19 pandemic. The author aims at answering the question of what has been learned about morality during the pandemic. She wonders whether it has awoken the awareness that we constitute one common world community, in which distress of one threatens the rest, and we will all either survive or die, or has it intensified the tendency for eliminating moral sensitivity, responsibility, and concern. With reference to the abovementioned issues, the author analyses the novel “The Plague” by Albert Camus, comparing it with the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas, especially with his conception of responsibility and ethical sensitivity. Further, she confronts those ideas with the thoughts of the critics of the negative aspects of globalization: Jean Baudrillard and Zygmunt Bauman. The author compiles them with the contemporary diagnosis of Pope Francis - realizing that his critical thinking (in many aspects consistent with the research of economists such as Joseph Striglitz or Thomas Piketty) deserves deeper philosophical reflection in the context of the philosophy of sensitivity and responsibility by Levinas.

Consequently, the author argues in favor of the self-developed philosophy of sensitivity in the spirit of Levinas, against the philosophy of ethical, social, and epistemological listlessness. It is concluded that such situations as the pandemic force us to exceed the self-interest of being in direction of the selflessness of ethics.

Author Biography

Anna Kamińska-Malandain

Philosopher. Doctor of human science in philosophy (diploma in 2008, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Marie Curie Skłodowska in Lublin.) Lecturer at Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Pedagogical University of Cracow (General Ethics Department). Lectures at philosophy, philosophy of dialogue, sociology of morality, Polish philosophy. She also leads monographic classes about the life and practice of Janusz Korczak.

Main scientific interests: philosophical anthropology, ethics, and philosophy of dialogue. She concentrates her research on the philosophy of man. She also works on the question of sensitivity and indifference in the context of contemporary alienation of man, as well as on the philosophy of pedagogy.

The author of books: Wrażliwość a podmiotowość. Teoria Emmauela Lévinasa i praktyka Janusza Korczaka (2012), Rzeczywistość wyobraźni. Gaston Bachelard o źródłach twórczości (2014/2015), Zobojętnienie. Filozoficzne aspekty współczesnej alienacji człowieka (2018).

The author of over 30 articles on the philosophy of Emmanuel Lévinas, philosophy of Gaston Bachelard, philosophy of creative imagination, philosophy of sensitivity, ideas and work of Janusz Korczak, philosophy of raising, philosophy of Karl Jaspers, around the philosophy of Holocaust, philosophy of dialogue, indifference, freedom and enslavement, philosophy of Józef Tischner and Erich Fromm and the concept of „integral ecology” of Pope Francis.

Member of the board of Polskie Stowarzyszenie im. Janusza Korczaka in Warsaw in which she is involved in organizational and social, educational as well as scientific works. Substantive editor of the magazine „Ethical education” (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology UP in Cracow).

Currently, she is working on the book on Janusz Korczak, in which she intends to present him as a thinker – especially a critical one. She depicts those thoughts of him, which are philosophical references, and follows his philosophical inspirations.

