Poezja w ekologii mediów (na przykładzie hybrydycznego projektu "V")

Słowa kluczowe

electronic literature
digital poetry

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Górska-Olesińska, M. (2014). Poezja w ekologii mediów (na przykładzie hybrydycznego projektu "V"). Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia De Cultura, 1, 102–111. Pobrano z https://studiadecultura.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/1591


Poetry in the ecology of the media: the hybrid project V

Contemporary culture, shaped by electronic media, is described in the context of the category of hybridity. Such hybridity is manifested in the coexistence and mutual conditioning of the traditional forms of literacy based on print as well as texts produced in an electronic environment. This article discusses V, a multimedia poetry project by Stephanie Strickland, in which print and electronic textuality are purposefully brought together, placing the recipient’s experience in the inter-spaces (in-between) which are thus opened. Issues relating to the materiality of media technologies used by the authors of experimental poetry as well as the question of combining the bodily perception with the architecture of electronic text are particularly important to the matters discussed in the article.



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Zobacz w Google Scholar

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