Call for papers (2022)

Planowane numery czasopisma w 2022 roku:

- „Studia de Cultura” 14.1 (2022): Cyberkultura 3.0: Media. Edukacja. Prawo

- „Studia de Cultura” 14.2 (2022): Człowiek i technologia: aspekty cyberkulturowe, komunikacyjne i prawne

- „Studia de Cultura” 14.3 (2022): Metal Music Studies in Central and Eastern Europe. Subject Areas, Research Methods and Perspectives

Topics to be addressed may include:

  • Metal music studies in Central and Eastern Europe – current state of research
    on metal culture
  • Paradigms, theories and methods of metal culture research
  • Multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary of metal music studies
  • Metal music scenes, audiences, fan cultures and (post)subcultures in Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Estonia and in other CEE countries
  • Specifics of CEE metal culture considering communist and post-communist history
  • Metal iconosphere and music videos as a subjects of interdisciplinary research
  • Metal audiovisual narratives in the perspective of media convergence
  • Anthropology of metal music culture
  • Metal music and society
  • Metal and religion
  • Legal, economic and psychological aspects related to the reception and production of metal music
  • Current directions in metal studies in Central and Eastern Europe

Jakub Kosek, PhD (Faculty of Humanities, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland)
Miroslav Vrzal, PhD (Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic)
Please submit your articles in English.

- „Studia de Cultura” 14.4 (2022): Edukacja medialna 4.0. Między technokulturą, cyberpsychologią a medialnym kulturoznawstwem i medialną pedagogiką. Strategie – praktyki – instytucje