“Acidofilia”: The Work of the Acid Drinkers in the Discursive Landscape of Metal Music Culture


metal music studies
Polish metal music
creative activity of Acid Drinkers
song studies studia nad muzyką metalową
polska muzyka metalowa
twórczość Acid Drinkers
studia nad piosenką

How to Cite

Kosek, J. (2022). “Acidofilia”: The Work of the Acid Drinkers in the Discursive Landscape of Metal Music Culture. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia De Cultura, 14(3), 39–52. https://doi.org/10.24917/20837275.14.3.3


The main subject of this article is the artistic activity of one of the first thrash metal bands in Poland, the Acid Drinkers founded in 1986 in Poznań. The text outlines the state of indigenous metal music studies and identifies selected theoretical contexts related to song studies and the multimodality of popular music culture. In the analysis of the Acid Drinkers’ work, particular attention is paid to the intertextuality of the iconography of Acid Drinkers’ album covers, selected protest songs created by the band, and ironic interpretative covers, which also constitute an important element in the group’s discography.



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