Artificial intelligence and linguistic artificiality. GPT-4 chat validation experiment
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algorytm lingwistyczny
czat GPT-4
eksperyment językowy
inteligencja językowa
język mediów
mediolingwistyka GPT-4 chat
language experiment
linguistic algorithm
linguistic intelligence
media language

How to Cite

Urzędowska, A. (2024). Artificial intelligence and linguistic artificiality. GPT-4 chat validation experiment. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia De Cultura, 16(2), 71–84.


The text attempts to define linguistic artificial intelligence in the context of GPT-4 chat linguistic algorithms. The experiments carried out and described refer to the description of the chat functionality as highly intelligent in terms of language in terms of correctness, efficiency and linguistic culture. By referring to Gardners understanding of linguistic intelligence, and his critics, the ability of artificial intelligence to use a standardized language is described, and errors in the data and the process of coding language models in GPT-4 chat are marked.
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