Monetizing narcissistic intimacy. An analysis of Amouranths work on Twitch
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kultura cyfrowego narcyzmu
seksualizacja przestrzeni cyfrowej
wirtualizacja cielesności Amouranth
Culture of Narcissism
Digital Environment Sexualization
Virtualization of Corporeality

How to Cite

Ziółkowski, J. (2024). Monetizing narcissistic intimacy. An analysis of Amouranths work on Twitch. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia De Cultura, 16(2), 85–100.


The text focuses on the sexualization of digital space and the virtualization of corporeality, starting with the practice of the selfie, referring to the notion of the culture of narcissism proposed by Christpher Lasch (The Culture of Narcissism, 1979). Treated by Magdalena Szpunar (The Culture of Digital Narcissism, 2016) in the context of the digital medium. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of Amouranths work on Twitch, based on the Twitch Tracker analytical tool, is an attempt to apply the proposed theory in practice.
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