Poetics of scandalisation? Sacrum in the context of advertising slogan autonomisation in contemporary Polish prose, poetry and drama
The text depicts the process of penetration of an autonomised advertising slogan, merging with language elements characterising the sacrum sphere, into the language of literature. A variety of language based on a play on contradictions comes into being. The play is woven with opposing types of messages which are rooted in human everyday life. One of them refers to elements culled from the sacrum sphere (settling on the side of language matrices which are rooted in tradition most strongly) while the other ones are the diction of mass media and the language of advertising (a relatively new message but also widely brought to attention and easily identified). The phenomenon proves the attempts made by creators to make up a new strategy deciding about the power of artistic expression and also the will to show information pollution, within which a contemporary individual functions, through the language of literature. The cited works sketch an interesting feature of contemporary culture in which the semantics of the term sacrum has come full circle, starting to mean according to the former etymology and the meaning scope encompassing both what is sacred and what is labeled as impious (cursed, profanum). The observed phenomenon may be regarded as a form of deliberate scandalisation performed by means of offering the recipient a type of message and means of expression striking at a certain social taboo.
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