The Big Three of Polish Metal: TSA, Kat and Turbo in the music press of the Polish People’s Republic
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heavy metal
Big Three
musical press in PRL
music journalism heavy metal
Wielka Trójka
prasa muzyczna PRL
dziennikarstwo muzyczne

How to Cite

Baran, D. (2023). The Big Three of Polish Metal: TSA, Kat and Turbo in the music press of the Polish People’s Republic. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia De Cultura, 15(4), 85–101.


The beginnings of Polish heavy metal date back to the turn of the 1970s and 1980s and are related to the formation of the TSA. However, it was not the beginning of the dynamic development of the Polish metal scene, just like, for example, punk rock, particularly that this genre was not widely presented in the Polish media. The situation did not change with Turbo and Kat were formed, and the bands were considered as a big 3 of “Polish metal”. This happened despite often critical assessments of their activity, especially in two general music periodicals – Magazyn Muzyczny and Non Stop. Articles from them are the subject of analysis in this article, which will present the perception of this phenomenon in Polish musical critic.
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