The Silesian Blues Trail, or the cultural tourism of blues
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cultural heritage
The Silesian Blues Trail
Silesia blues
dziedzictwo kulturowe
Szlak Śląskiego Bluesa

How to Cite

Rott, D. (2024). The Silesian Blues Trail, or the cultural tourism of blues. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia De Cultura, 16(1), 37–46.


In this article, the author characterizes the Silesian Blues Trail in the context of cultural memory related to blues. This trail represents a unique international multimedia and intercultural project that allows one to explore the history of Silesian blues. Through the experience, an individual can discover the history of Silesian music clubs that have been operating for the past fifty years, including Akant, Blus, Kocynder, Kwadraty, and Marchołt as well as Hala Parkowa and Spodek, which are described by Irek Dudek, Jan Chojnacki, Beno Otręba, Sebastian Riedel, Leszek Winder, and others; it also includes various profiles of musicians. An individual can explore the trail using a special application that helps plan a tour route, read the history of selected places, view various multimedia materials (such as photos and videos), and listen to the memories of artists and journalists. This allows visitors to gain a better understanding of Silesia’s cultural heritage in the realm of contemporary music culture.
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