“My som Indianery.” Cowboy hats, Indian plumes with Silesia in the setting
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Wild West
identity blues
Dziki Zachód

How to Cite

Kurek, J. (2024). “My som Indianery.” Cowboy hats, Indian plumes with Silesia in the setting. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia De Cultura, 16(1), 121–126. https://doi.org/10.24917/20837275.16.1.10


Many Silesian blues musicians are avid fans of the Western, which is a part of American culture where blues also originated. In the Silesian dialect, the repeated phrase “My som Indianery” articulates the identity of the Silesians, suggesting a similarity in fate with the indigenous inhabitants of North America, namely a sense of alienation on their own land and its “colonization” by outsiders. Within this framework, blues became a space for expressing Silesian values. Silesia proved to be fertile ground for the blues as the genre served as a musical portrayal of Silesianness.

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