Visual communication of Polish rural museums on Instagram – typology of selected profiles in the context of 'placemaking' theory
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komunikacja wizualna
media społecznościowe
muzeum wsi
placemaking placemaking
Rural Museum
social media
visual communication

How to Cite

Najbor, J. (2024). Visual communication of Polish rural museums on Instagram – typology of selected profiles in the context of ’placemaking’ theory. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia De Cultura, 16(2), 51–69.


The main aim of the article was to analyze the ways of showing the countryside in the visual communication of selected Rural Museums in Poland. What images do they use to talk about their collections? To answer this question, a quantitative and qualitative analysis of visual content published on the Museums Instagram profiles was carried out. The whole research was placed in the context of the placemaking theory. The analysis allowed to draw conclusions regarding the media image of the notion of the countryside in the communication of important institutions.
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