Emotions in audio description: the case study of the series entitled "The Woods"
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konstrukcja leksykalno-składniowa
kulturem emotions
audio description
lexico-syntactic construction

How to Cite

Gabrysiak, K. (2024). Emotions in audio description: the case study of the series entitled "The Woods". Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia De Cultura, 16(3), 51–61. https://doi.org/10.24917/20837275.16.3.5


The aim of the article is a linguistic analysis of emotions appearing in audio description, i.e. a verbal recording of visual content in the form of an additional soundtrack. Emotions are a fundamental element in verbal and non-verbal communication. In the film, expressed through gestures and facial expressions, they play a key role in the full interpretation of, among others, dialogue scenes. The task of the audio describer, which acts as an intermediary between the image and the blind person, is to present the observed emotions using linguistic means available in a given language system. A database of ready-made linguistic constructions assigned to specific emotions is intended to facilitate this process and speed up the entire process of creating audio descriptions.

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