What will tomorrow bring? Potential application of technology in therapeutic activities, as exemplified by science fiction films
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science fiction cinema
science fiction

How to Cite

Olszak, N., & Dunin, T. (2020). What will tomorrow bring? Potential application of technology in therapeutic activities, as exemplified by science fiction films. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia De Cultura, 12(4), 151–159. https://doi.org/10.24917/20837275.12.4.12


In our work we analyse various options of technology as an aid measure in cases of crisis, as exemplified by selected science fiction films. A crisis in human life appears when mental resources he possesses are insufficient to deal with a certain situation and he must reach for other available solutions. One of such means is more and more frequently technology - since 1966, when ELIZA was released - the first therapeutic programme - until now, when smartphone applications facilitate work with autistic children, or VR technology allows soldiers to overcome their trauma in safe conditions. We are observing the development of technology with great curiosity and we anticipate even greater possibilities of its application in therapy. Unfortunately, as for now we have to settle for science fiction films.

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