Audio branding in the era of social media: new challenges and opportunities for brand creation in the context of short‑form audio content
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social media
branding audiobrandig
media społecznościowe
budowanie marki

How to Cite

Jankowska, M. (2024). Audio branding in the era of social media: new challenges and opportunities for brand creation in the context of short‑form audio content. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia De Cultura, 16(3), 75–85. Retrieved from


Audio branding in the era of social media is a new field to explore, full of possibilities and challenges. Brands are increasingly realizing the potential of sound in shaping identity and engaging customers. In the environment where content is consumed rapidly, audio branding becomes a crucial tool for differentiation and capturing attention. However, adapting strategies to various platforms and the risk of losing control over user-generated content pose salient challenges. The key to success lies in personalization, interactivity, and awareness of users’ short attention spans. Effective audio branding must be noticeable, memorable, and consistent to build a positive brand image and engage audiences.

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