Following an “odd” painter (on the 30th anniversary of Ryszard Riedel’s death)
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Ryszard Riedel
dziwny malarz
społeczeństwo osiągnięć Ryszard Riedel
odd painter
achievement society

How to Cite

Żyła, M. (2024). Following an “odd” painter (on the 30th anniversary of Ryszard Riedel’s death). Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia De Cultura, 16(1), 89–98.


On the thirtieth anniversary of the death of Ryszard Riedel, the legendary lead singer of Dżem music band, the author of the article introduces analysis and interpretation of Kazimierz Galaś’s lyrics in the song Ballada o dziwnym malarzu (The Ballad of the Odd Painter), while scrutinizing the song’s historical, sociological, and biographical context. The interpretive frame draws upon references to the history of Parisian bohemia, more modern cultural references (such as the film Loving Vincent), and philosophical and sociological thought as presented by, among others, Olivia Laing and Byung-Chul Han. In consequence, the song not only proves to be a lyrical story of a gypsy/outsider-artist but also a literary-musical depiction of solitude perceived as an illness as well as a possible reflection on a high-paced achievement-driven society that constantly seeks to avoid pain and is incapable of astonishment.
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