Adaptation strategy in the modern Polish cinema: adaptation of ”Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną” by Dorota Masłowska
Adaptation of the Dorota Masłowska’s Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną - an example of the adaptation strategy in the present-day Polish film - is an attempt to grasp the specific issues that arise in the transposition of the Masłowska’s prose into the language of film. The Xawery Żuławski’s film is significantly faithful to the text, yet it is autonomous and comprehensible. It reflects the very special climate of the text which is the most difficult element in the adaptation process.
The director applied specific means - a comic strip structure, a video-clip montage and suitable music. Moreover, his personality had its impact on the final effect as thanks to his life experience he understood the atmosphere of the reality created by Masłowska. He used - which is most difficult to describe - the intuition. The author proves that the film is the case of the “creative treason” described by Alicja Helman. The director, while taking some elements of the prose, plays a game with the viewer adding completely new elements that do not exist in the text. Thus, he creates a new and successful value.
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