Body and mind at the cinema: immersion, experience of emotions and social interactions during the film
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experience of emotions
experience of social interactions
bodily reception of the film
psychology of films immersja
doświadczenie emocji
doświadczenie interakcji społecznych
cielesny odbiór filmu
psychologia filmu

How to Cite

Skorupa, A., Stefanek, F., & Paczyńska-Jasińska, P. (2021). Body and mind at the cinema: immersion, experience of emotions and social interactions during the film. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia De Cultura, 13(1), 66–78.


How does the viewer receive the film? Why are some movies a more satisfying experience for the viewer than others? - these are questions of interest to film experts, psychologists and sociologists. This article presents a brief overview of the film reception research, with particular emphasis on immersion and emotions and social interactions experienced by the viewer during the show. Bodily aspect of film reception will also be indicated. Theoretical considerations have been illustrated by comparative studies of reception by viewers (N=325) of seven films having their cinema premieres in 2019. The relationship between immersion and experience of emotions and social interactions was confirmed, as was the satisfaction with watching the film. In addition, differences were found in the reception of individual works.
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Ból i blask. 2019. Pedro Almodóvar (reż.). Agustín Almodóvar (prod.). Hiszpania: El Deseo.
I znowu zgrzeszyliśmy dobry Boże! 2019. Philippe de Chauveron (reż.). Romain Rojtman (prod.). Francja: Les Films du Premier, Les Films du 24, TF1 Films Production.
Joker. 2019. Todd Phillips (reż.). Bradley Cooper, Todd Phillips, Emma Tillinger Koskoff (prod.). Stany Zjednoczone: Warner Bros Pictures.
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Rocketman. 2019. Dexter Fletcher (reż.). Adam Bohling, David Furnish, David Reid, Matthew Vaughn (prod.). Wielka Brytania, Stany Zjednoczone: New Republic Pictures, Marv Films, Rocket Pictures.
Truposze nie umierają. 2019. Jim Jarmusch (reż.). Joshua Astrachan, Carter Logan (prod.). Stany Zjednoczone: Kill the Head.
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