Evolution of blues in Poland during the 1970s
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muzyka popularna
polska muzyka rozrywkowa blues
popular music
polish popular music

How to Cite

Kwieciński, W. (2024). Evolution of blues in Poland during the 1970s. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia De Cultura, 16(1), 69–87. https://doi.org/10.24917/20837275.16.1.6


In the 1970s, a process of intense revaluation of popular music in Poland took place, which resulted in the gradual emancipation of the blues genre from the domination of big beat and rock. In a scene once dominated by the blues-rock style, artists appeared, exploring a more traditional aesthetic based on acoustic instruments and recalling the tradition of the blues Delta (Pawel Ostafil, Jacek Skubikowski, and Irjan). In addition to the dominant Silesian blues-rock community, in other centers (Trójmiasto, Szczecin, Bialystok), Chicago blues began to play an increasing role. At the same time, many artists (e.g., Leszek Winder, Jan “Kyks” Skrzek, Andrzej Pluszcz, and others), originally involved in the then fashionable fusion style, began to gravitate towards traditional blues. Equally important was the very committed activity of blues promoters, organizers of festivals, and events that started to attract increased listeners (vide Folk Blues Meeting, Jesień z Bluesem). Media played a major role in the popularization of the blues, especially Polish Radio Program III and the music press. All that movement laid the foundations for the development of the Polish blues scene in the next decade, which, despite the economic and political crisis, flourished in pop culture.

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