„Przepisane” historie życia Chrystusa: Panna Ferbelin Stefana Chwina oraz Ewangelia według Jezusa Chrystusa Jose Saramago

Słowa kluczowe

Jezus Chrystus
Maria Magdalena
Jesus Christ
Mary Magdalene

Jak cytować

Ogonowska, A. (2014). „Przepisane” historie życia Chrystusa: Panna Ferbelin Stefana Chwina oraz Ewangelia według Jezusa Chrystusa Jose Saramago. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia De Cultura, 4, 63–72. Pobrano z https://studiadecultura.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/1543


“Rewritten” life stories of Christ: Miss Ferbelin by Stefan Chwin and The Gospel According to Jesus Christ by Jose Saramago

The matter of the article are „rewritten” stores of life of Jesus Christ. Author synthetically characterizes creation of such texts in the film production( mentions so-called biblical films and creating of the “adaptations” of the New Testament at the beginning of the cinema), she mentions also other contemporary film messages and literary texts dealing with that issue. Main topic concerning the author is an analysis of two novels: “Miss Ferbelin” by Stefan Chwin (2011) and “Gospel according to Jesus Christ” by Jose Saramago (2011).



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