Auditory competence in digital culture 3.0. Selected approaches, contexts and research methods
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audio competences
components and conditions of audio competences
digital culture kompetencje audialne
kultura cyfrowa
komponenty i uwarunkowania kompetencji audialnych

How to Cite

Ogonowska, A. (2024). Auditory competence in digital culture 3.0. Selected approaches, contexts and research methods. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia De Cultura, 16(2), 19–32.


The article focuses on the cultural, developmental and neurocognitive determinants of audio competences in relation to three approaches: media studies, relational-functional and (neuro)-
cognitive-developmental. Types of audio competences (e.g. discursive, extra-discursive, musical) are also included; natural and artificial auditory spaces and their role in learning processes. A separate place in these considerations was devoted to the issue of intermedia translation (e.g. image into sound) in the context of “non-neurotypical” strategies for receiving audio stimuli and messages; attention was paid to various methods of examining these competences. The aim of the article is to emphasize their role in the teaching of subjects as well as the implementation of projects addressed to people with special educational needs, non-neurotypical people or representing different dominant model – the so-called hearing culture. Auditory competences are not only the foundation for the effective reception of many digital messages, e.g. audio and audiovisual, but also constitute the basis for creating new media products in digital culture 3.0. Hence, the emphasis on the development of knowledge and related research seems to be particularly important in contemporary digital culture.
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