Mitologizacja przekazu: fotografie na okładkach "Pokuty" Iana McEwana

Słowa kluczowe

slogan reklamowy
książka mówiona
tie-in edition
postkomunistyczne społeczeństwo
advertising buzz-word
postcommunist society

Jak cytować

Ślósarz, A. (2014). Mitologizacja przekazu: fotografie na okładkach "Pokuty" Iana McEwana. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia De Cultura, 3, 17–27. Pobrano z


Mythicising the message: photographs on the covers of Ian McEwan’s "Atonement"

Photographs (by Chris Frazer Smith, Fritz Metsch, and also film stills) placed on the covers of Ian McEwan’s Atonement function in the non-iconic context of title, advertising buzz-words, and intermedial references to other texts, originating from books, newspapers, radio, TV, films or audiobooks. Photographs successfully assisted in launching the novel as related to the high society, and then in delivering it to the mass audience. They facilitated disseminating the social myths of social equality and of democracy threatening the elite. Polish publishers offer editions of lesser variety than the Western ones, because of the comparable social status of Polish readers.



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