Intermedialna kampania społeczna: Mafia dla psa

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social advertising campaign

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Ślósarz, A. (2015). Intermedialna kampania społeczna: Mafia dla psa. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia De Cultura, 6, 127–146. Pobrano z


Intermedial social campaign: an outraged mafioso

Contemporary texts are received in intermedial contexts. Their interpretation depends on the environment, to which they belong. It also determines interpretative paradigms of texts. The film Mafia for Dogs was created as a social advertising, but represents a commercial paradigm in order to run the appropriate for him behavior and practices of receiving and of communication. A hired celebrity, Piotr Cyrwus, is known from a television series. The advertisement drew attention to a social problem, which is inappropriate and cruel treatment of dogs. A mafioso-boss is outraged and speaks directly to the viewer. The advertisement has been styled on the model of Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs (USA 1992) and other gangster movies: The Little Caesar by Mervyn LeRoy’a (USA 1931), The Godfather by Francis Ford Coppola (USA 1972), The Roaring Twenties by Raoul Walsh (USA 1939). The soundtrack, including a song Little Green Bag performed by George Baker Selection, is known from the Reservoir Dogs. The plot takes place in an abandoned warehouse and gangsters have kidnapped policeman - just like in this movie. The cruelty of gangsters is expressed by the tools of torture, harsh light and strengthened sounds.
Employment of Piotr Cyrwus is a part of the TV convention of reporting of current events. Before the upcoming winter, homeless dogs are actually in deadly threat. In this advertisement their suffering is punishable by gangsters.
Straight lines connote the categories of rationality, but warm browns are associated with dog hair.
The advertisement was disseminated in a viral campaign. A rich intertextual and intermedial references make the reception of the advert close to contemporary receiving regimes of film, television and commercial advertising. It is located in the contemporary intermediality of cultural transfers. No reference was made, however, to literature. The campaign resulted in benefits. It has been seen by over 3.5 million people. They collected money to buy houses for dogs from shelters, for sterilization of animals and taking care of them.



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